13 things you're doing wrong from the moment you wake up


Things you're doing wrong when you wake up timeline

Skye Gould/Business Insider


If your daily routine were a college assignment and you submitted it to your professor the scientist, chances are it would come back with a whole lot of red ink.

That is to say, you're probably making a ton of mistakes every single day that can sabotage your productivity and happiness. Think drinking coffee too early and listening to music while doing focused work.

The good news is, you can't get an "F" in life.

In fact, once you read the list below, you'll have every opportunity to revamp your daily schedule and make - at least some of - the changes we recommend. We're not talking major life overhauls - more like tweaks and adjustments with potentially huge effects on your well-being.


Here's to a new you in 2017.