18 Signs You Have A Terrible Boss


Horrible Bosses


National Boss Day, which is celebrated in the US on October 16 each year, is a day for employees to show appreciation for their managers. But if you have a nightmare of a boss, you probably have little to thank them for this year.


And as it turns out, a terrible boss doesn't just impact the way you work in the office. It affects your entire life.

Merideth Ferguson, assistant professor of management at Utah State University and coauthor of a study conducted by Baylor University, calls this the "spillover effect," meaning your work life also affects your marriage and other intimate relationships.

According to another survey commissioned by Lynn Taylor Consulting, a whopping 19.2 hours are wasted each week worrying about what a boss says or does - 13 of which occur during workweek, and 6.2 over the weekend.

But, fortunately, you can take measures to mitigate the stress and take greater control, says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job."


"A bad boss will likely jeopardize your career growth and impact your personal life," she explains. "A good manager will help you thrive and bring out the best in you. While it's rarely top of mind, you can empower yourself with a terrible boss, especially if you watch for red flags."

It's important to identify these signs early on, before you get too involved, especially if you spot them during the job interview. This way, you can decide if it's something you actually want to deal with (or you can figure out if you'll need to start looking for a new job).

Using the book "Bad Bosses, Crazy Coworkers & Other Office Idiots" by Vicky Oliver and an interview with Lynn Taylor, we've compiled 18 signs your boss will eventually crush all happiness you're clinging to - and steps you can take along the way.

This is an update of an article written by Vivian Giang.