America's Hipster Farmers Are Keeping Their Animals Warm With Sweaters


I'm calling it: 2015 is the year of cute farm animals in sweaters.


Cute animal pictures are not a new thing, they've been the meme of the last decade. But this year - this year is all about farm animals.

Unlike animals dressed up for the purpose of dressing up, generally sweaters serve a practical use: keeping out the elements in cold weather. Pampered pets, these are not (necessarily).

The first indication of the rise in the cute farm animals in sweaters meme is from the epicenter of hipster farmer culture: Modern Farmer. The magazine's post on farm animal winter wear hit the internet this week.

Modern Farmer isn't some anomaly, either. We're seeing a bit of a rise in hipster farmers (that is, self-employed people tending relatively small farms) in the labor market recently.
