Here's how much the average person spends on gas in every state

Here's how much the average person spends on gas in every state

average tax refund every state 2019 map

Shayanne Gal/INSIDER

The average amount each person spends on gas annually in every state.

Shayanne Gal/INSIDER

The average amount each person spends on gas annually in every state.

  • Gas prices are always a hot button issue.
  • With help from the INSIDER Data team, we found data from the US Energy Information Administration that shows the average amount a person spends on gas in every state, using data from 2016.
  • States that are spread out or rural, like Wyoming and Maine, spent over $1,300 on average, while more urban states like New York spent less.

Who hasn't complained that the price of gas is just too much? Or that you feel like you're constantly filling up your tank?

The US Energy Information Administration calculated how much, on average, a resident in every state spends on gas every year.

Read more: A new AAA study reveals why you shouldn't buy premium gas

To help put this information into context, we created a map to visualize the data.


average tax refund every state 2019 map

Shayanne Gal/INSIDER

The average amount each person spends on gas annually in every state.

Shayanne Gal/INSIDER

The average amount each person spends on gas annually in every state.

Maine residents spend an average of $1,343 - more than double the $623 that New York residents spend. Perhaps because the prevalence of public transportation in New York City means New Yorkers spend less time in their own cars?

Whatever the reason, urban spots like NYC or DC - or geographically small states, like Rhode Island - are your best bet if you're looking to cut back on your gas spending.
