How Richard Branson likes to prank guests on his private island


branson novak

Virgin blog

Novak Djokovic gets the Branson treatment.


From dancing in a parade a la Ferris Bueller to making fake announcements about moving company headquarters, Virgin Group chairman Richard Branson never misses out on an opportunity to make a joke.

Branson especially likes to play pranks on guests at Necker Island, his 74-acre private retreat in the Caribbean.

In a blog post Monday, he shared the prank he likes best.

"One of my favourite tricks is to get behind someone who is being massaged by a beautiful lady, and take over without them knowing," he wrote.


"It's a good laugh to see their faces when they realise I'm not who they thought I was."

Branson goes on to say that he tries to inject some element of fun into every day.

"Don't take yourself too seriously. Instead, ask yourself: is what I'm about to do going to make people smile? If the answer is yes, then do it," Branson writes in the post. "But fun shouldn't just be reserved for special occasions and holidays, if you find time for it in your everyday life you will be rewarded."

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