I tried giving up my phone for a week and barely made it 2 full days



Áine Cain/Business Insider

Me, being bad at both posing for photos and not talking on the phone at graduation.

To paraphrase Robert Palmer, I might as well face it. I'm addicted to my phone.

I tried to give up using my phone for a week and it really didn't work out.

I'm an intern on the Careers team at Business Insider. I'd like to tell you that I'm dependent on technology because I'm always scouring the web for scoops and article ideas. But the reality is, I'm just easily distracted and I enjoy listening to music as I walk around.

I wasn't always this way. I had a sweet "Star Trek" flip phone throughout high school. It was wonderfully dysfunctional. You couldn't use it to access the internet. It couldn't really receive photos. When I joined the student newspaper, I would record interviews in Garageband on my laptop. Heaven help the person who tried to add me into a group chat.


Once I got an iPhone toward the end of my freshman year of college, I never looked back.

Still I thought it might be interesting to see if I would be able to give up my phone for a week, now that I've become so dependent on it. I figured that laying off the technology for a while might make me less distraction-prone.

To clarify: I was able to make work and emergency calls. But I had to put all other phone functions on the back burner.

I thought it would be easy. Before this, I didn't really consider myself to be someone that's glued to her phone. However, due to circumstances, my technological dependence, and my bad memory, I turned out to be a less than ideal subject for the experiment.

Here's a breakdown of my phone-less (sort of) week:


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