I went vegan for five days, and I was shocked at how many things I couldn't eat



sad vegan


Looking devastated while eating a vegan "chicken" sandwich, with vegan "cheese" and vegan "mayo."

I've long been curious about what exactly it means to be vegan.

I grasp the appeal of not eating meat (ie vegetarianism), but veganism is a whole different ballgame. It's not just about following a restrictive diet - it's a lifestyle.

According to The Vegan Society, veganism entails excluding all forms of exploitation of and cruelty to animals. Some vegans choose to solely avoid animal products in their diet; others go more hard core, refusing to wear clothes or use any substances (including cosmetics) that include animal products.

I decided to give dietary veganism a try for five days to understand what impact the lifestyle has on a person's day-to-day life. I had no idea just how hard it would end up being to find foods and beverages I could actually consume - or how much I'd miss cheese and eggs.
