Kate Upton And Cameron Diaz's 'The Other Woman' Is Essentially 'The First Wives Club'


"The Other Woman" hits theaters this weekend, but you may have seen something similar before - at least according to the trailer.


The Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, and Kate Upton-starring comedy is essentially a modern day "First Wives Club."

In "The Other Woman," the women strike up an unlikely friendship after figuring out they're involved with the same man and plot to get revenge. In 1996's "The First Wives Club," Goldie Hawn, Diane Keaton, and Bette Midler set out to get revenge against their individual ex-husbands.

Here's how the two story lines go down.

Once the women figure out they're being cheated on, they bond and spy:


First Wives Club Spying


As a result of what they see, they get drunk and sad:

Goldie Hawn First Wives CLub

YouTube/"First Wives Club"


Once sober, they vow to take revenge. This involves scheming in a car:

First Wives Club old cell phone

YouTube/"First Wives Club"

There's a whiteboard on which the women write the steps in their plan. Progress is made!

First Wives Club Diane Keaton white board

Paramount/"First Wives Club" via Netflix


Mission accomplished over lunch at a fancy NYC restaurant. Cheers!

First Wives Club

YouTube/"First Wives Club"

First Wives Club cheers

YouTube/"First Wives Club"

Watch both trailers and judge for yourselves below:
