Neptune has spawned a dark vortex the size of the United States




Planet Neptune, as seen in a July 1989 photograph taken by the spacecraft Voyager 2.


The Hubble Space Telescope has just photographed a huge dark mass in the clouds of Neptune, making it the first storm spotted there in more than two decades.

NASA explained in a press release that the find confirmed scientists' suspicions that huge "dark spots" like this one - or the one we discovered in 1989, which nearly 4 times larger across than the entire planet Earth - are "long-lived" features of Neptune's poisonous atmosphere.

The images are a little blurry, but nonetheless fascinating, as well as creepy and ominous.

"Dark vortices coast through the atmosphere like huge, lens-shaped gaseous mountains," astronomer Mike Wong, who analyzed the data, said in the release.


"And the companion clouds... appear as pancake-shaped features lingering over mountains on Earth."

"Companion clouds" are the bright clouds surrounding the swirling, high-pressure systems that cause the dark spots.

The spots are best seen by blue wavelengths of light, in which case it looks even more scary:

hubble large blue spot blue light 23 june



These spots are probably Neptune's toxic mix of gasses freezing into methane crystals, which means they'd be nearly impossible to form on Earth.


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