The 10 best states in the US to live a rich life


alexandria virginia

Flickr / m01229

Alexandria, Virginia.

To be "rich," you probably have a lot of money.


But a rich life isn't always measured in terms of dollars.

GOBankingRates used five factors in its state-by-state ranking of where families can live their richest lives:

  • Jobs and income, as measured by median household income and state unemployment rate
  • Housing, as determined by median home listing price and effective state property tax
  • Lifestyle, as gauged by state tax rate, annual child care costs, cost of groceries, and school district grades
  • Health care, as shown by average family health insurance premium and percentage of employer contribution to employee health insurance
  • Safety, as measured by violent crime rates and property crime rates

Below, find the top 10 best states for families to live richly, and see the full ranking and methodology at GOBankingRates.