The first jobs of the 2016 presidential candidates


The 2016 presidential candidates all have impressive résumés.


Hillary Clinton, for instance, was a First Lady of the United States, a senator, and a US Secretary of State. But before all that, she held a few less glamorous jobs.

Clinton briefly worked at a salmon cannery in Valdez, Alaska, where she was hired to scoop out fish guts. It didn't last long, though. She was "kicked out" of the job for working too slowly and questioning the quality of the fish.

Her very first job was less unusual. She was a babysitter - a job that pays about $10 an hour in today's market, according to salary site PayScale.

PayScale put together the following infographic which shows the first jobs of the 2016 presidential candidates, and how much each gig pays today:


Find out how your salary stacks up on PayScale.

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