These are 10 key ways to lead a happier life

These are 10 key
ways to lead a happier lifeWe all are responsible for our own happiness and there are various factors that make up happy. Factors such as physical and mental fitness, income levels, loved ones, etc make us happy. Happiness means different things to different people.

Happiness is also linked to our behaviour and thinking in everyday life. Our actions also account for a significant proportion to how happy we feel.
If we change our actions and direct them towards positivity, we are bound to feel happy.

Vanessa King, board member at Action for Happiness, in one of her Ted Talks at St Peter Port, said if you re-train your brains, you can learn to be happy. For instance, if you write three good things that happened on that particular day, for a week, it will tend to make you happy.

If you want to train your mind to be happy and become much calmer, here are 10 ways to lead a happier life. The first five keys are-G.R.E.A.T, about how we interact with the outside world and the last five keys are D.R.E.A.M- that come from inside us.


(Images: Thinkstock/Indiatimes)