This is the worst destruction to human lives that will happen across each continent in the next 50 yrs or sooner, if global warming continues at this pace

This is the worst destruction to human lives that will happen across each continent in the next 50 yrs or sooner, if global warming continues at this pace
‘We’re really in a race against time!’ That’s what the US President Obama told actor Leonardo DiCaprio on climate change. He was discussing the impact of environmental destruction to human lives, in a panel at the premiere of ‘Before the Flood’,” a National Geographic documentary on climate change that DiCaprio starred in and produced.

The crux of the documentary film is that everyone will be affected by climate change and negative impacts know no national boundaries. It will affect every country. The atmosphere is loaded with greenhouse gases that are unprecedented in human history.

While the populations that have better physical infrastructure and higher socio-economic resilience will be able to withstand and/or recuperate from the impacts quicker, the regions with poor infrastructure would be badly affected.

We have experienced exceptionally hot summers already. And if the scientists working with environment are to be believed, there is hardly 4-5 years left to achieve the turning point. After that the earth’s temperature will rise 1.5 degree Celsius.

Talking about climate change, what most people talk about melting of ice at Antarctic and death of polar bears. However dramatic that may sound, the danger is already knocking at the door. You must have noticed extreme weathers (read heat waves), diseases borne by mosquitoes, asthma, decreased food and water, storms and earthquakes happening too frequently. All these are signalling a gloomy foreboding.

You must watch the documentary ‘Before the Flood’. And it’s free.

Here are the climactic regions that would be the worst hit in next few years, thanks to global warming.

(Image credit: Reuters)