This machine shakes olives off trees and collects them in a retractable sheet

  • The EXPAND R5090 is a mechanical PVC tarpaulin that can extend up to 11 metres automatically.
  • It allows the harvesting of 300KG of fruit at a time and works with olives, almonds, cherries, oranges, and more.
  • Pellenc make a range of harvesting equipment for both grapes and other fruit.


This is the EXPAND R5090, a mechanical tarpaulin that can speed up the harvesting process by 25% according to its creators. It can work in conjunction with the Pellenc Buggy 5000 Shaker to harvest a range of fruit quickly.

The Buggy 5000 Shaker can harvest up to 1200 trees a day and Pellenc claim it harvests up to 99% of the olives on each tree.

Pellenc make a range of other harvesting vehicles. The CV5045 harvesting machine can strip a tree of fruit simply by driving over it. It has a pneumatic sorter that separates the olives quickly and is perfect for high density sites.

Pellenc also make a range of handheld harvesting and winery equipment.


Produced by Charlie Floyd
