This company has designed a lounge that’ll help you concentrate better at work

company has designed a lounge that’ll help you concentrate better at work
To focus in an office environment is a big challenge. We often get interrupted or distracted every 11 minutes by text messages, email alerts or even by our own thoughts and feelings, and it takes over 23 minutes to get back on task.

Steelcase has designed a solution to tackle this. Imagine an office environment more conducive to distraction-free work spaces. This is built in a way to help workers manage their attention better.
company has designed a lounge that’ll help you concentrate better at work
The company’s Brody lineup creates a shelter from visual distractions, provides privacy and offers an enhanced sense of psychological security. It provides a place where people can overcome distraction and concentrate for longer periods of time on difficult assignments. Brody claims to help workers regulate their attention and save energy by creating a microenvironment for controlled attention.
company has designed a lounge that’ll help you concentrate better at work
The company claims the workspace offers:

1) Live Lumbar Technology which offers a dynamic back support that eliminates lower back gap

2) Adjustable Work surface holds technology at eye level, reducing the text neck problems

3) Privacy screen help to reduce visual distractions and enhance personal privacy

4) Personal Storage provides a convenient place to store your belongings up off the floor and within arm’s reach

5) Footrest provides additional support for legs and feet and helps maintain comfortable, reclined posture

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