Two Men Were Arrested For Allegedly Smoking Heroin In A Chuck E. Cheese Bathroom


Chuck E. Cheese's trademark slogan is "Where Awesome Parents Go," but for two men in southern California, it's apparently where to go to smoke heroin.


After a call by a fellow patron, police say they found Collin Zborowski, 28, and Daniel Lubach, 27, together in a stall in the men's restroom smoking, according to the LA Times.

"Both males were observed in the process of smoking heroin," Lt. Greg Scott told KCAL 9.

The two men had allegedly met their heroin dealer at the restaurant and decided that the men's restroom was their preferred choice for sampling their purchase, the LA Times reported.

Zborowski was charged with felony possession of a controlled substance and two misdemeanor drug offenses, while Lubach was charged with a misdemeanor of being under the influence of a controlled substance, according to CBS Local.
