What happens with your stuff after you die


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"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes," Benjamin Franklin once wrote in a letter.


Unfortunately, those words are just as true today as they were in the 1700s.

Worse, sometimes the two come as a package deal.

After all, when someone dies, their family members must go through a lengthy series of tax, financial, and legal steps in order to sort out the affairs of the deceased.

With the help of Levenfeld Pearlstein trusts and estates partner Adam Garber, Business Insider put together a guide to many of the hurdles that surviving relatives will certainly face. Take a look below.


Just to be clear, this article is not a comprehensive list of what to do after someone's death. Contact your legal, financial, and tax adviser or advisers for advice catered to your specific situation. Also, some legal language was simplified for clarity.