80% startups fail, here’s what you should not do

80% startups fail, here’s
what you should not doStarting and growing a business is simpler now than any time in recent memory. With a global, digital audience and an inconceivable cluster of consumer needs, virtually any yearning entrepreneur can identify and implement a splendid new idea while pulling in unbelievable profits. All things considered, the reality states that under 20% of tech new businesses really succeed, the rest do a reversal to clean. Why? Since their million dollar idea is sufficiently bad? No, It’s because they ignore small problems and leave few areas by themselves.

Here are a few ways startup founders can make their lives simpler

Need or Want?

Numerous entrepreneurs invest a lot of energy attempting to choose what "next big thing" they can convey to the table. They consider products they know and appreciate and trust they can make their own versions. Nonetheless, they neglect to consider whether the market for such an item is now saturated. The outcome is regularly an item that never picks up the traction it needs.

Free Hosting


Free hosting for the most part means limited bandwidth, restricted root access and limited customer service support. While unlimited hosting implies better bandwidth and customer service, the costs connected with unlimited hosting rapidly add up. As your portal goes down, your credibility, money, all it lost. Most of all, you might lose potential customers, who have been loyal to you for years.


Sold an excess of equity to early investors, leaving nothing for subsequent rounds and insufficient to keep founders engaged.

All things considered, by paying close attention to the pain points of potential customers, businesses can unlock the power of problem solving in entrepreneurialism.