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9 science-backed ways to lose weight without going on a diet

Hilary Brueck   

9 science-backed ways to lose weight without going on a diet

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Going on a diet is a losing game. Some research suggests more than nine out of every 10 people who try to diet will fail.

Even people who are able to diet successfully often fight a tough battle against the body's evolutionarily savvy attempts to store up extra energy. In fact, scientists have found that the bodies of severely overweight people who lose weight can actively work against them: as they slim down, their metabolism drops, making it harder to lose more weight.

Experts agree that extreme diets and juice cleanses aren't a long-term strategy for maintaining a healthy weight. To that end, the US News & World Report's 2018 ranking of the best diets put the trendy ketogenic diet dead last.

But there are a few simple things you can do to stay trim and satisfied for the long run.

We asked dietitian Jason Ewoldt from the nation's #1-rated hospital, the Mayo Clinic, for his simplest, sanest ideas for staying lean this summer without going insane. Here's his advice:


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