Apple, Google, and the 15 other best companies for women


Thinking woman

Mikhail Goldenkov/Strelka Institute/Flickr

No company has come close to getting it right for women - yet.

It really doesn't take all that much to be a good employer to the women in your company.


Treat them with the same respect you show your male employees, show them that they're a valued resource by paying them and promoting them on par with their male counterparts, nix the boys club vibe and foster a more inclusive culture, and you'll be well on your way to gaining their loyalty.

Sadly, lots of companies continue to struggle with this.

Fairygodboss anonymously surveys employees about their overall job satisfaction, perceived gender equality at work, and whether women would recommend their employer to other women. Based on female employees' responses, Fairygodboss scores companies on a scale of 0 to 100.

No company has come close to receiving a perfect score - yet. But some are certainly better than others.


The following companies are ranked as some of the best and fairest places for women to work: