Here are 5 definite ways to spot a liar

Here are 5 definite ways to spot a liarA lot of research has gone into how many times we lie or are lied to and it is not surprising at all that as per many studies, in a given day, we may be lied to 10-200 times. We may lie more often to strangers in the first 10 minutes of the meeting.

People lie, deceive, conceal the truth for various reasons such as to show how powerful they are, how happy they are or just to dupe the other person and run away with all the money, just like it happens in Ponzi schemes.

People deceive each other for monetary purposes and this deception is not really what makes a mentally healthy person. Stakes are high and apart from creating a financial dent, it hurts you emotionally and psychologically too.

Pamela Meyer, who is an expert in lie-spotting and deception detection says lying is a bridge to fantasies from the reality. During her Ted Talk on ‘How to spot her liar’, Meyer said deception and lying can have dramatic results and she is not talking about a child lying to get a candy or escaping punishment. It is serious business.

So, here are few pointers from her Ted Talk on how you can spot a liar:


(All Images: Thinkstock)