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Here's Proof Every Startup Idea You've Ever Had Craigslist Already Does

Here's Proof Every Startup Idea You've Ever Had Craigslist Already Does
Tech1 min read

Four years ago Spark Capital's Andrew Parker made a chart, and it seems to go viral every year.

The chart is a screengrab of Craigslist homepage and a list of valuable startups that attack specific functionalities within Craigslist. For example, job site Indeed was acquired for about $1 billion and is competitive with Craigslist's Jobs section. Etsy is a $1 billion-plus company that competes with Craigslist's For Sale category.

"Some of [the startups] have IPO'd," Parker says. "Others are out of business. If you could have made investments in all of these companies back in 2010, you'd have a portfolio of 34 companies with roughly 6-8 billion dollar outcomes, which would likely be one of the best venture funds of the decade."

Here's the chart:


