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  5. 79. Andy Levitt — CEO and founder of Purple Carrot

79. Andy Levitt — CEO and founder of Purple Carrot

After being diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 2012, Andy Levitt discovered that plant-based eating not only made him feel better, but also altered the course of his disease. He left his career in pharmaceutical marketing and launched meal kit company Purple Carrot in 2014 out of his garage — the first 100% plant-based meal kit in the US.

Now, the company has investment from Fresh Del Monte, 50 employees, and ships to 48 states, with distribution centres in Las Vegas, Ohio, and New Jersey. It even partnered with Tom Brady in 2017. Purple Carrot shipped more than five million plant-based meals in 2018 alone — and it recently launched 100% recyclable packaging to minimise its environmental footprint.

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