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A Mobile Payments Company Is Hiding Cash Around Los Angeles

santa monica pier 2

Flickr / Tony Hisgett

The Santa Monica Pier is one place the company chose to hide cash.

Remember when @HiddenCash was hiding money around major US cities like San Francisco and New York?

There's more money out there.

This time the cash comes courtesy of mobile payments app Circle Plus Payments, which is hiding $50 and $100 bills around Los Angeles.

The company is spreading the word via clues released on its Facebook and Twitter, and says that the more people who play, the more money it will give away.

Circle Plus Payments founder Nitish Kannan says he hopes to inspire people to spread love and be generous. "Last year, one of the most touching things was receiving anonymous gifts and small acts of kindness," he remembers. "It impacted my life because as a broke entrepreneur, I needed money to survive. This year, I feel empowered to start a movement to give back and maybe spread this to other cities."

"We hope more people will spread love," says Kannan. "We're a small startup, and if we show we can do well for our communities, our communities will benefit from the extra money, and maybe larger companies and individuals will be inspired."

Circle Plus Payments was founded in 2013 and allows anyone to accept credit card payments through its app. According to its Twitter account, the company has raised $500,000 in a first round of angel funding. Ultimately, it plans to give away up to $1,000 during this promotion, and likely hopes to gain a few Twitter followers along the way.

If you're in Los Angeles, you can find out where the cash is hiding by following Circle Plus Payments (@CirclePlusPay) or Nitish Kannan (@nitut1) on Twitter.


