- Within the category,
Dabur India was the top advertiser on TV, Radio & Digital mediums. - More than 80% of the category ad volumes was on the news channel genre during Mar-May ’20 on TV.
- More than 70% share of category ad volumes were during Prime Time, Afternoon& Morning time bands on TV.
The data also revealed that more than 80% of the category ad volumes was on the news channel genre during Mar-May ’20 on TV. More than 70% share of category ad volumes were during Prime Time, Afternoon& Morning time bands on TV.
Advertising of the category on TV grew by 8 times in Mar-May’20. Meanwhile, category advertising on Digital surged by 2639 times in Mar-May’20 .
Less than 20 seconds and 20-40 seconds ads covered 75% and 25% share respectively on TV during Mar-May ’20. Ad Network and Programmatic transaction method together captured more than 3/4th of Chyawanprash ad insertions on Digital.
The report also stated that in May’20, count of advertisers and brands increased compared to Apr’20 across TV, Print& Digital mediums in the Chyawanprash category.
This increase comes in the wake of the spread of