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Advertising of Chyawanprash on TV grew by 8 times between March and May this year: TAM AdEx Overview

Advertising of Chyawanprash on TV grew by 8 times between March and May this year: TAM AdEx Overview
Advertising1 min read
  • Within the category, Dabur India was the top advertiser on TV, Radio & Digital mediums.
  • More than 80% of the category ad volumes was on the news channel genre during Mar-May ’20 on TV.
  • More than 70% share of category ad volumes were during Prime Time, Afternoon& Morning time bands on TV.
Advertising of the Chyawanprash category increased on TV, Radio & Digital medium during Mar-May ’20, according to the latest TAM AdEx overview. Dabur India was the top advertiser on TV, Radio & Digital mediums.

The data also revealed that more than 80% of the category ad volumes was on the news channel genre during Mar-May ’20 on TV. More than 70% share of category ad volumes were during Prime Time, Afternoon& Morning time bands on TV.

Advertising of the category on TV grew by 8 times in Mar-May’20. Meanwhile, category advertising on Digital surged by 2639 times in Mar-May’20 .

Less than 20 seconds and 20-40 seconds ads covered 75% and 25% share respectively on TV during Mar-May ’20. Ad Network and Programmatic transaction method together captured more than 3/4th of Chyawanprash ad insertions on Digital.

The report also stated that in May’20, count of advertisers and brands increased compared to Apr’20 across TV, Print& Digital mediums in the Chyawanprash category.

This increase comes in the wake of the spread of Coronavirus when people have become more health conscious and are looking for ways of strengthening and boosting their immunity.


