An ex-Wall Street banker is offering luxury camping rentals that could be the future of weekend getaways


tentrr camping rental app 27



The hardest part of going camping might be getting started. The upfront cost forces newbies to shell out for a tent, sleeping bags, and other gear. There are 13,000 public campsites in North America to choose from, and no definitive review site vetting them. It can be overwhelming.

Tentrr wants to take the hassle out of camping. Launched in 2016, the app lets users find and book upscale campsites on private land. When guests arrive, they find their hand-sewn canvas tent already set up, so their vacation starts that much sooner. The average nightly rate is $144.

We talked to investment banker turned startup founder Michael D'Agostino on why Tentrr could be the future of weekend getaways.