Biggest data leaks of 2019 that hit Indians
Normally, access to the internet is considered a boon. But it’s not without its costs. Data is becoming more valuable by the day and for someone looking to make money in nefarious ways. Hacking is the new trend in town.
Information theft is the most expensive and fastest-rising consequence of cybercrime. Personal and sensitive data of millions of people is compromised and in exchange for a quick buck.
Cybercriminals are constantly adapting and finding new ways to compromise online security, quicker than security firms can build solutions to defend against them.
But not every data breach is a result of hackers. More often than not, ‘loopholes’ and unprotected servers give bad actors access without even having to break-in. And, it’s only becoming more common.
Here are some of the biggest data breaches of 2019 that affected users in India:
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