Bright lighting at WrestleMania made it impossible for some fans in attendance to see the action in the ring

Bright lighting at WrestleMania made it impossible for some fans in attendance to see the action in the ring

Screen_Shot_2019 04 07_at_10_03_01_PM

@AKonWrestling / Twitter

WrestleMania got off to an impressive start, but for some fans in attendance, following the action on stage was nearly impossible.

  • WWE welcomed more than 80,000 fans to MetLife Stadium for WrestleMania on Sunday.
  • While the action in the ring was impressive, some fans in attendance had their view obstructed by a bright yellow light.
  • Those who were blinded by the light posted images and videos of their disappointing experience on Twitter.

More than 80,000 wrestling fans filled MetLife stadium just outside New York City to take in WrestleMania on Sunday.

While the night was filled with plenty of action, some fans in attendance had a difficult time following what was happening inside the ring.

Complaints that elaborate stage lighting made the show almost impossible to watch for some audience members began trickling onto Twitter. 

Some fans turned to chanting in hopes of getting the attention of WWE organizers, according to Deadspin's Luis Paez-Pumar, who was in attendance.


Thankfully, it appears the chanting worked and the yellow stage lights were swapped for a more viewer-friendly red hue.


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