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Budget Trivia: Bet you didn’t know these facts!

Budget Trivia: Bet you didn’t know these facts!
Stock Market1 min read
Come February and there’s Budget madness, at least in the newsrooms. The ‘Common Man’ who should be the one concerned the most hardly wants to hear anything about it, except that on the D-Day, when he cannot look the other way. He is the one who has to face the brunt of the rise in prices of petrol or revoking of tax exemptions, after all. Yes, it’s boring and worrying and annoying. It’s been that way for years, yes we agree here too!

But if you look back 50 years from now, the inception of Union Budget has a rich historical past and it’s not at all boring or freaky. It’s actually adorable! Yes, Adorable may not be the most appropriate word in this context, but we bet you’ll agree after you read these fun and memorable facts about the country’s evolving balance-sheet.


