CREDAI Gujarat tweeted that it has "donated Rs 5 crore towards Chief Minister Relief Fund to fight against Covid-19".
The donation was given to Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Saturday in the presence of CREDAI National Chairman Jaxay Shah.
Sandip Sheth is the Chairman of CREDAI- Gujarat, while Ashish Patel is the President of the association.
Some individual realtors have also come forward to support the central and state governments as well as migrant labourers and underprivileged.
DLF Foundation has donated Rs 5 crore to Haryana CM Relief Fund and is also distributing masks, sanitisers, cooked food and dry rations to workers.
Bengaluru-based Embassy Group has stepped forward to support the city traffic Police.
"Identifying the zones around Embassy Manyata Business Park, Embassy Tech Village, Embassy Icon and Embassy Paragon, Embassy Group has set up four hydration stations where the police personnel can take refreshing time breaks.The stations are equipped with drinking water, refreshments and toilet stops," Embassy said in a statement.
In addition, Embassy Group has procured hand sanitizers, disposable masks and nutritional snacks. These items have been handed over to the Headquarters and will be distributed daily over the next 8 days to the 44 stations and their 3,800-person task force.
Aditya Virwani, Chief Operating Officer, Embassy Group, said, "With our police and healthcare professionals at the forefront of controlling the spread, felt that it was our duty to support them in performing their duties. I would like to request other companies and Bangalore's citizens to come forward to join us in helping out".
On behalf of the association, Naredco-Uttar Pradesh President R K Arora has handed over cheque of 10 lakh to district magistrate of Gautam Buddh Nagar for Covid-19 pandemic relief fund.
Gurugram-based M3M group, is providing relief materials to 5,000 daily wage workers till the lockdown.
Earlier Supertech had said that it has set up a technical expert committee to carry out saitisation work free of cost in various societies as directed by the local authorities. MJH BAL