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GSK Velu is FICCI Co-Chairperson


GSK Velu is FICCI Co-Chairperson
Business1 min read
Chennai, Feb 25 (): Trivitron Healthcare Chairmanand Managing Director GSK Velu has been appointed as the Co-Chairperson for trade body-The Federation of Indian Chambersof Commerce and Industry (FICCI)- for 2020.

Velu who is also the Chairman and Managing Director ofNeuberg Diagnostics also serves Apollo White Dental and ApolloDialysis as its director, a press release said.

He is also the Honorary Consul to the Repubic ofEstonia in India (for Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh andTelangana), the release said.

"I am thankful for FICCI's vote of confidence inappointing me as Co-Chairperson FICCI Tamil Nadu Statecouncil," Velu said on his appointment.

"This position gives me an opportunity to work withinthe FICCI framework in meeting objectives of industry growthat one level...," he said. VIJSS SS

