Launched with the mission to empower every Indian with digital services, JioBharat has marked a significant step towards digital freedom for the 250 million feature phone users in India, bridging the digital divide like never before.
Since its launch a year ago, JioBharat has been transforming lives by offering features and digital capabilities such as UPI, JioCinema, and JioTV, enabling various segments of society to achieve more.
This affordable device not only empowers users with smartphone capabilities but also provides high-quality and affordable data, making it accessible to the common people.
Despite the recent industry-wide tariff increases,
In contrast, the most affordable plans from other operators start at Rs 199 per month and enables access to limited functionality, restricted to voice and SMS services, as their feature phones do not support data or LTE usage.
In his letter to shareholders,
In 2016, when Jio was launched, it left no stone unturned to democratise internet access and pass the benefits of technology to every Indian.
With affordable high-speed data and a ubiquitous network, technology was no longer a privilege for a select few.
The subsequent launch of affordable devices like
"With the launch of Jio 4G in 2016, we set out on a journey to make digital inclusion in India a reality. Jio turned a Data Dark India into a Data Rich nation, supplying every Indian home with affordable, high-speed 4G data. And this year, Jio has further enhanced the country's digital infrastructure by rolling out its True5G network across India in world-record time," states Mukesh Ambani's letter to shareholders in the latest annual report released on Thursday.