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3 essential tips for hiring and managing out-of-state and remote workers

Mariette Williams   

3 essential tips for hiring and managing out-of-state and remote workers
  • The remote-work trend isn't going anywhere as more US employees are taking advantage of its perks.
  • To keep up, employers need effective strategies for hiring and managing remote workers.
  • Three experts told Business Insider how HR leaders can strengthen their out-of-state workforce.

Remote work has transformed American workplaces. A recent survey from McKinsey & Company found that of the 25,000 workers surveyed, 87% of employed respondents offered the opportunity to work from home took employers up on the offer.

More Americans are embracing remote work because it gives employees "increased flexibility, reduced commuting stress, and enhanced work-life balance," Leslie Tarnacki, the chief human-resource officer at WorkForce Software, told Business Insider.

Some companies are pushing back against the remote-work trend, but it's here to stay thanks to a perfect storm of technological advancements, shifting employee expectations, and the pandemic's transformative impact, Joy Pittman, the CEO and founder of HR For the Culture, said.

"The remote-work trend isn't just a temporary blip on the radar," she said. "It's a fundamental shift in how we work. Mid-market businesses embracing this change can tap into a national talent pool, foster diversity of thought, and save on real-estate costs. It's about breaking free from the traditional office mold and reimagining work as something you do, not somewhere you go."

Sandy Charet, the president of the Charet & Associates firm that specializes in executive recruiting, shared the same sentiment, saying remote hiring brings "fresh perspectives" into an organization. "Think about the cultural richness these individuals bring — it can catalyze innovation," she said. "Imagine having a remote worker in Alaska brainstorming with someone in Florida; the diversity of experiences and ideas is unparalleled."

If you've been considering how to successfully expand your workforce, we asked Tarnacki, Pittman, and Charet for the best advice on how to hire and manage out-of-state remote workers.

Have an effective hiring strategy in place

Hiring remote workers who you may never meet face-to-face requires a bit of strategy. Tarnacki said that effective hiring starts with a clearly outlined job description and communicating the day-to-day expectations to potential employees early on.

Charet said that effectively hiring remote workers may involve having a longer interview process, reaching out to the employee's last workplace, and contacting references. And though businesses may be tempted to offer less to workers who live in areas with lower costs of living, Charet said that companies could miss out on great employees by offering less than their in-person staff.

"I saw many clients offer less money to people who were out of town," she said. "It's always been the case that salaries were tied to different cities. It's understandable, but not all companies do that, and you need to be careful because these folks may be hired away by another company that doesn't adhere to that."

When hiring out-of-state talent, Pittman suggested using asynchronous interviews, allowing applicants to complete interviews on their schedule and offering shifts that would consider the applicant's time zone and optimum productivity time.

Button up your onboarding process and personalize benefits packages

After hiring employees, onboarding them is the second hurdle to getting remote candidates settled in.

"Some mistakes businesses make in onboarding remote workers can range from neglecting legal and compliance issues, such as tax implications and labor laws, to overlooking the importance of assessing candidates for their capacity for remote work during the hiring process, leading to performance issues and communication challenges," Tarnacki said.

When it comes to benefits, a one-size-fits-all approach won't work, and careful consideration of the employee's location should play a part in offering perks such as health insurance, PTO, and retirement benefits.

"We implement state-specific benefits plans tailored to the needs and regulations of each location," Pittman said. "This personalized approach ensured that our remote workers received competitive benefits packages while complying with diverse state-level requirements. It demonstrated our commitment to their well-being and helped attract top talent."

Manage out-of-state employees with empathy and awareness relevant to their remote status

After onboarding, checking in with remote workers is essential, and not just from the standpoint of getting work done, but to gauge the employee's satisfaction at work.

"When you have out-of-state remote workers, you also have to check in with your employees more," Charet said. "When they work in the same environment, you may be able to pick up cues that tell you that they're unhappy or starting to look around. But when you don't see them, you can't pick up on those cues. Plus, it's really easy to interview with another company while you're remote. Be careful about this or you're likely to be unpleasantly surprised when you hear someone on your staff just accepted another offer."

Check-ins are necessary, but it's important to not overmanage workers. Pittman said things such as micromanaging, ignoring time zones, and using inadequate technology can drive remote workers away. Instead, focus on bringing remote workers in and providing mentors to guide remote workers with insights into the company's history, traditions, and unwritten rules.

"Other strategies to support remote employees include offering stipends for creating comfortable home offices, encouraging employees to block off 'focus time' on their calendars to reduce interruptions, and holding meetings only when necessary, with a clear agenda and predefined outcomes," Pittman said.

Finally, businesses need to encourage a healthy work-life balance with remote workers and lead with empathy. Though remote work provides employees autonomy, flexibility, and reduced commute times, Tarnacki said some employees may still grapple with motivation issues, fatigue, and the delicate act of balancing work and personal life while remote.

"HR leaders must proactively engage with remote employees, regularly assessing their contribution levels and overall well-being," she said. "By doing so, adjustments can be made to enhance employee morale and address any challenges that may hinder productivity. Companies must prioritize fostering trust and motivating employees with empathy, recognizing that a balanced approach to meeting both the company's needs and the well-being of its workers is paramount for long-term success."

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