- Massive layoffs across sectors has deepened the unemployment crisis in India. But there would have been more layoffs if India did not have a massive 'mismatch' of talent and the right job roles.
Hitesh Oberoi , MD & CEO ofNaukri.com says that the jobs that companies offer in India and the skills that the graduates bring to the table vary largely.- This may be because of poor quality of
education at the university level and lack of skills.
“The jobs that companies offer in India and the skills that the graduates bring to the table vary largely. And it widens when we talk of salaries and expectations of the employer,” Hitesh Oberoi, MD and CEO of Naukri.com told Business Insider.
Oberoi said that the slowdown which was earlier limited to certain sectors is now spreading its wings as the companies become more cautious towards hiring.
The only reason a few of them are looking to hire is the prevailing skill gap across industries.
“It's very hard to hire people. Even today, when you put up a job on Naukri platform, there are over 1,000 applications. But it's still hard to find even five people that the employer is actually looking for,” Oberoi said.
K P Krishnan, former secretary of the
Quality of education and government initiatives
Poor quality of education is one of the many risks that India faces — adding to its unemployment crisis.“What we have to do as an economy is focus on imparting the right set of skills and education at the university level. If that is done, there are enough jobs for these graduates to get hired,” he added.
Even the ambitious Skill India mission is unable to plug the gap. As of July 2019, 1.5 million people gained skills and jobs, thanks to the country’s Skill India mission. However, this accounts for merely 21% of the total trainees — 7.2 million — who enrolled for the programme.