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CISF admit card 2019 likely to be released tomorrow, download

CISF admit card 2019 likely to be released tomorrow, download
Education1 min read

The Central Industrial Security Force(CISF) admit card 2019 for the Head Constable post is expected to be released tomorrow, on 1 June 2019. The CISF will release the admit cards on the official website

The exam date has not been announced yet by the official authorities. However, the exam date and timings will be mentioned on the CISF admit card 2019 . The examination will be a computer-based test of 100 marks for 2 hours. To qualify the examination, candidates will need to have minimum 35% marks in the online test. However, for the OBC/SC/ST categories, the minimum qualifying percentage is 33%.

To download the CISF Admit Card 2019, follow the steps:

  • Visit the official website
  • Go on the registered candidate list.
  • Fill in the details and submit.
  • The screen will display the admit card, you can download the CISF admit card for future reference.


