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CTET admit card 2019: CBSE expected to release admit cards later this month, download

CTET admit card 2019: CBSE expected to release admit cards later this month, download
Education1 min read

The Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) is expected to release the admit cards for the Central Teaching Eligibility Test(CTET) 2019 soon, according to media reports. The board is likely to activate the link to download the admit cards later this month.

The candidates can download their admit cards for CTET 2019 at the board’s official website

According to the information on the official website, the examination for the teacher’s ability will be conducted from 7 July onwards. The CTET exam is held across the country for applying to teach jobs in Central government schools and Kendriya Vidyalaya.

Once released, here’s how to download the CTET admit card 2019:

  • Visit the board’s official website
  • Click on the tab saying ‘CTET admit card 2019.’
  • The next window will display the admit card, you can download the admit card for your reference.
The CTET examination comprises of two tests — Paper1 for qualifying the eligibility for class 1 to class 5, Paper 2 for qualifying eligibility for classes 6 to 8.


