All you need to know about the C-17 Globemaster aircraft being deployed for evacuation of Indians in Ukraine

Mar 2, 2022

By: Vaamanaa Sethi

Credit: ANI

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has deployed C-17 Globemaster aircraft under...

...Operation Ganga to bring back the Indians stuck in Ukraine.

Credit: ANI

Early morning on Wednesday, the tenth evacuation aircraft from India left for Romania.

Credit: PIB

The C-17 aircraft is reportedly the most capable aircraft for flying long distances with around 400 passengers

Credit: PIB

This aircraft previously also helped in evacuating Indians from Kabul during Taliban’s capture of Afghanistan.

Credit: PIB

The IAF currently owns 11 C-17 Globemaster aircraft and has become the biggest operator...

...of this aircraft in the world after the United States, reportedly.


The IAF had bought the C-17 aircraft in 2009 for its requirement...

...of “Very Heavy Lift Transport Aircraft,” as per the reports.


India had signed a $4.1 billion dollar contract with the US-based aerospace company Boeing in 2009.

Credit: BCCL

The first C-17 aircraft was inducted into India’s Air Force in 2013.

Credit: PIB

Features of the aircraft

Boeing says it can take off from a 7,600-ft airfield, carry a payload of 160,000 pounds, fly 2,400 nautical miles, refuel while in flight and land in 3,000 ft. or less on a small unpaved or paved airfield in day or night.


Which other countries own this aircraft?

Besides India and the US, the United Kingdom, Australia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates own eight C-17 aircrafts, followed by Canada (5), and Kuwait (2).


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