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Facebook India Head just revealed his weight loss regime minus exercise or starving. Here's how

Facebook India Head just revealed his weight loss regime minus exercise or starving. Here's how
Thelife3 min read
People working in corporate and living a sedentary lifestyle are mostly obese. Exceptions are there, where hunks with 6-packs give others a serious envy. And as most of us know losing weight isn’t just tough but a mountainously strenuous. It’s far more than hitting the gym and eating right; there is a serious term involved in it called ‘motivation’.

So where do you get motivation from? Just when you thought, losing weight, as taught on blogs and Youtube, is like spending the whole day at the gym, Facebook India MD Umang Bedi comes to your rescue. Meet Bedi, in peak of his career, has lost 26 kilos, with normal eating and zero workouts. Yes, you heard it right. And there is no magic pill involved. What played crucial for Bedi was knowing his body and its functions correctly. Weighing almost 120 kilos, Bedi was going through a tough time, while heading Adobe earlier. It wasn’t just the feeling of being overweight but also lacked motivation to chase good things in life. Rekha Murthy of Pedersen & Partners and a Harvard alumnus insisted Bedi to meet Ameet Bagwe, who has co-founded LeanScience, which offers highly effective online programs to help you lose weight and become fitter. There is neither Keto Diet nor any 6AM fitness regime. Ameet, who works with Texas Instruments, has his basics clear. He just wants people to be fit by knowing the magic of science of their own body.

In an exclusive chat with Business Insider, Bedi said, he had lost 16 kilos just by following a regular diet and normal exercise like golfing and 20 minute of jogging. However after six months, he reached a point when he neither lost anymore weight nor gained anything. Ameet suggested Bedi that he isn’t getting much sleep to keep his metabolism normal. He was travelling too much and his sleep cycle was hampered. Ameet suggested a method to sleep well and that clicked. Over two years, Bedi has lost 26 kilos.

Benefit of scientific procedure

The primary advantage of the method used by LeanScience is not being involved in any gym regime, which takes from you essential man hours of a day. Besides, there is no diet involved that starves you. Scientific procedure isn’t meant just for aesthetics. Rather it delves deep into your blood and checks every element of it. Now Bedi’s blood cell counts, triglyceride and lipid profiles are all on check.

So how to follow this regime?

This regime doesn’t need you to start on day one of a month. Instead you can start it tomorrow. You won’t need any calorie calculator as well.

The basis of this procedure is to burn the fat and use them for your body and consume nominal carbohydrates.

Bedi’s ideal day would include:

A double shot of espresso with two wallops of whipped cream and coconut oil

If he felt hungry he would munch on almonds or cheese. Yes, you heard it right! The whole agenda is to keep you off carbs and not fat.

During lunch, he would eat soup or salads or cooked vegetables.

And then comes the king of the diet: dinner, which he would eat by 7pm. The dinner would be with all members of family. Unlike most Indian meals, where rice of roti is the king with small bowls of curries and lentils, this meal for Bedi would consist of huge chunk of meat (even red meat at times) and lots of vegetables.

Bedi insists that only cut you need to make in your life is to break up with tobacco and alchohol, because those affect you the most.

Bedi believes that one shouldn’t make his entire life about work. He also insists on spending time with family. And there he brings the important question, what is family if you don’t love your life!


