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GOP congressman probes Mark Zuckerberg with poster of pro-Trump YouTube personalities Diamond and Silk

Joe Perticone   

GOP congressman probes Mark Zuckerberg with poster of pro-Trump YouTube personalities Diamond and Silk
Politics3 min read

  • A Republican member of Congress trotted out a poster of Diamond and Silk during his questioning of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
  • Rep. Billy Long of Missouri also asked Zuckerberg a question on behalf of the pro-Trump YouTube personalities.

WASHINGTON - While questioning Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday, a Republican member of Congress brought out a large poster of Diamond and Silk, the sassy pro-Trump YouTube personalities who claim to be the target of bias and censorship from the social media company.

Missouri Rep. Billy Long began probing Zuckerberg on what many Republicans perceive as unfair treatment to conservatives by tech companies. Long's staffer then brought out a large poster of the duo to place behind him.

Rep. Billy Long questions Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in front of a large poster of Diamond and Silk.

Joe Perticone

Rep. Billy Long questions Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in front of a large poster of Diamond and Silk.

Long asked Zuckerberg to identify the two women, to which he responded, "I believe is that Diamond and Silk?"

"That is Diamond and Silk. Two biological sisters from North Carolina, and I might point out that they're African-American," Long said. "And their content was deemed by your folks to be unsafe. So I don't know what type of picture this is or it was taken in a police station or was it in a lineup. But apparently they've been deemed unsafe."

Long then asked Zuckerberg a question on behalf of the duo.

"Diamond and Silk have a question for you and that question is, 'What is unsafe about two black women supporting President Donald J. Trump?'"

Zuckerberg said "nothing is unsafe about that," but noted he was not up to speed on the specifics of their situation.

Diamond and Silk were notified that their Facebook page was deemed "unsafe for the community."

A Facebook spokesperson told Fox News in a statement that the company reached out to Diamond and Silk about the issue.

"We have communicated directly with Diamond and Silk about this issue. The message they received last week was inaccurate and not reflective of the way we communicate with our community and the people who run Pages on our platform," the statement read. "We have provided them with more information about our policies and the tools that are applicable to their Page and look forward to the opportunity to speak with them."

Alleged censorship of conservatives by tech companies has been one of the main focuses of Zuckerberg's hearing with the House Committe ee on Energy and Commerce. Several Republicans have questioned Zuckerberg about Facebook's community standards and if they intentionally suppress conservative voices, to which he has said they do not.


