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People ready to share savings, earnings and even stipends with the Dalit student who wanted to sell his kidney to repay his education loan

People ready to share savings, earnings and even stipends with the Dalit student who wanted to sell his kidney to repay his education loan
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Two days back, the conscience of several Indians was shook when they heard the case of an IIT-BHU student Mahesh Balmiki attempting to sell his kidney so that he could repay an education loan. Now, he is getting several offers of financial assistance from different corners of the country.

While a 65-year-old retired man has announced of sharing his FDs with Mahesh, a single middle-class woman from Gurgaon has offered to give him Rs 5,000 every month.

Mahesh, who belongs to Alwar in Rajasthan, had a loan of Rs 2.7 lakh on his head that he had taken for his studies, which compounded after he fell ill. Because of this, the bright student had to leave studies and opt for a sweeper's job in his village for Rs 4,000 a month.

In order to repay his loan, he decided to sell his kidney but being a dalit, he couldn't even get the buyer, after which he decided to end his life.
It was then that his friends told about him to Sandeep Pandey, who is a social activist and Magsaysay award winner. Pandey then collected money from BHU alumni and paid Mahesh's loan. However, in order to survive, he still has to work as a cleaner.

Ever since his case was reported by TOI, people from different backgrounds and cities have offered to share their savings, stipends and earnings with him so that he can continue his dream of studying.

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