Here Are The 10 Fastest-Growing Retailers In NYC


Chipotle Burrito Bowl

Michael Saechang/flickr

Chipotle is one of the fastest-growing chains in New York City.


Chain stores and restaurants are expanding rapidly in New York City.

The city's biggest chain, Dunkin' Donuts, has grown 12.6% to 536 locations since 2012, according to a recent report by the Center For An Urban Future.

But there are a handful of smaller chains that are growing even faster than Dunkin' Donuts.

Here are the chains that have added the most locations in New York City over the last two years, according to the report.


We only included retailers that have added 10 or more locations over the two-year period.

Fastest growign retailers in nyc

Center for an Urban Future

Here is the number of locations that each retailer has added over the last two years, as well as their total number of locations:

Fastest growing chains

Center for An Urban Future