What you would need?
Smartphone with camera
High speed internet connectivity
Believing in your sense of fashion
Dream to be big
Just a while back, you might have been scrolling through your
We got in touch with Ritu Sharma, Growth Architect of Roposo for some crash course on online business.
Here are some tips to build and refine an online marketing plan for your own small business. Read on.
Know your customers, choose relevant platforms
The first commandment of business applies to online as much as to any other medium. Know who is your customer and find the right online medium to reach out to them. Research online and within your existing customer segment. Do not be afraid to try out new networks to expand your circle. For example, to create a following of the younger crowd, facebook might not be enough. Look out for what is raging in the campus circles.
Be active, be patient
Being active on relevant networks is essential if you want to reach out to large customer base. Spend enough time in building a genuine base of followers who are interested in what you have to offer.
Sieve right content
Good content can always serve as love at first sight for any buyer. Picture quality is essential especially because it is the foremost way by which a buyer interacts with a product. Adding relevant hashtags make your posts easily discoverable. The description of the post should contain all the necessary details. Use hashtags like: #OnlineShopping #WinterSale #NewCollection #EthnicWear #SaleSeason #ShopNow
Be original and authentic
Posting an original image of your product builds more credibility of your product than a regular catalogue image. Remember that a customer's life time value could be way higher than just one product sale, hence be credible with your communication and representation. Stand out from other sellers in a community by being authentic to what is the core of your business. Each seller can have a unique identity that can reflect through products, posts, customer touch points etc. ALSO READ: FOODS THAT MAKE YOU SLIM
Post frequently
Your frequency of posting is directly proportional to the followers and leads that you get. A large number of platforms shuffle their content for recency, If you are starting on a platform, 2-3 posts everyday will start getting you noticed each time a potential buyer logs on to a platform. On the other hand, an inactive profile does not convey promptness for a seller
Thou shall not delay
A seller should be swift with his response. Any query that a seller receives is from a potential buyer
Update profile
Interested users often check the bio of the seller to validate authenticity. A strong profile bio including details of multiple platforms and contact details is recommended. A good description informs the buyer what is in store for him and also the credibility of the seller increases.
Include client testimonials or client diaries
Right after a buyer likes a product, she'll always browse further to see what other purchased buyers have to say about the seller's products and quality
Have multiple touch points
Every seller has a set of buyers who surely but slowly become loyal customers. The seller should have multiple touch points with these buyers- from sharing the new collection products to even something as small as a festive greeting; make the buyers feel special.
Engage with online events
A sale is one of the easiest way of engaging more buyers. Pre festive sales work very well on social media. Contests are a way of engaging followers. Contests also serve as an indirect way of increasing follower base and attract users.