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How and when to watch one of the most charming events in sports, the Masters Par 3 contest

Cork Gaines   

How and when to watch one of the most charming events in sports, the Masters Par 3 contest
Sports2 min read

Bubba Watson Masters Par 3 contest

Harry How/Getty Images

Bubba Watson with his son during the Masters Par 3 contest.

  • For a few hours each year, the world's best golfers take a break from the stress of professional golf world on the day before the Masters and compete in the Par 3 contest.
  • The event is held each year on the Wednesday during Masters week.
  • The Par 3 contest starts at noon, but coverage does not begin until 3:00 p.m. ET.

One of the most endearing events in sports in the Masters Par 3 contest.

For a few hours each year, the world's best golfers take a break from the stress of professional golf world on the day before the Masters and compete in the Par 3 contest.

While scores are kept, and a winner is named each year, the event is more about the golfers getting to share a Masters moment with their families. Wives, girlfriends, children, and even grandchildren typically serve as caddies, complete with the traditional white Masters caddie overall and green cap.

This year's Par 3 contest starts on Wednesday, April 4, at noon ET.

However, coverage of the event does not begin until 3:00 p.m. ET, both on ESPN and at for online streaming. The broadcast lasts for two hours.

Paulina Gretzky at the Masters Par 3 contest

Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

Paulina Gretzky, the fiancee of Dustin Johnson, has served as a Masters Par 3 caddie.

Augusta National holds the exhibition on a small Par-3 course located in the northeast corner of the property. The holes range in length from 70 to 140 yards.

Over the years, there have been 80 hole-in-ones, and no winner of the Par 3 contest has ever gone on to win the Masters. But it should be noted that not all golfers keep score, with some opting to give some of the shots to their caddies.

Sam Snead won the first Masters Par 3 contest, held in 1960.

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