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I'm convinced this $13 throat spray with ingredients produced by bees has helped my immune system

Jessica DeFino,Jessica DeFino   

I'm convinced this $13 throat spray with ingredients produced by bees has helped my immune system
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Beekeeper's Naturals

Beekeeper's Naturals aims to help boost your immune system, gut health, and brain health with ingredients produced by bees. Not all the claims have been thoroughly researched, and definitely check in with your doctor before making any dietary changes as well.

  • After switching to a natural skin-care routine, I realized it was time to upgrade my wellness routine too. I found effective natural solutions for my immune system, gut health, and even brain health from Beekeeper's Naturals.
  • Beekeeper's Naturals makes organic, bee-powered products designed to "revamp your medicine cabinet," like Propolis Throat Spray (a delicious supplement that can help the immune system) and BLXR (a royal jelly blend that supposedly provides a caffeine-free brain boost).
  • I haven't gotten sick once since I started using Beekeeper's Naturals every day, and while I can't say for certain that the products are the cause or that others might experience the same, I'm not about to stop using them anytime soon.

I'll be honest: I didn't start caring about my overall wellness until I started caring about my skin. (As you may have noticed by now, I'm nothing if not a little vain!) But the more I revamped the beauty section of my bathroom cabinet with natural, good-for-you products as opposed to harsh cleansers and thick moisturizers made up of mostly synthetic ingredients, the more I realized that the medicinal side of the cabinet was overdue for an upgrade too.

Really, my medicine cabinet looked more like an overstocked aisle of CVS with DayQuil, NyQuil, all the off-brand -Quils, Tylenol, ibuprofen, and powdered packets of Emergen-C to stir into water when I'd feel a cold coming on. Like a lot of the skin-care products I'd decided to toss, these things were maybe, kind of useful for managing symptoms after I got sick. But none of them were helping me stay healthy in the first place. And plus, if I didn't want to put additives and preservatives on my face, why was I putting them directly into my body?

I'd heard great things about B Powered Superfood Honey from Beekeeper's Naturals (currently $34.19 on Amazon) as a natural face mask. When I clicked through its site though, I found so much more - including what it adorably refers to as the "Beegan Pharmacy," a collection of bee-produced products that supposedly helps boost immunity, gut function, brain health, and more.

"How we formulate our line in general is, we're really trying to revamp the medicine cabinet," Carly Stein, the founder of Beekeeper's Naturals, tells Business Insider. "We're looking at your parent's medicine cabinet and it's full of products made with preservatives, sugars, and flavors. That's where we want to come in and give you a broader perspective on health." The founder basically speaks to my soul when she adds, "We don't want to just address the symptoms, we want to leave you net better."

Here you may be thinking, "So, honey is the answer?" Well, that's definitely part of it, but the star of the Beegan Pharmacy is actually the Propolis Throat Spray (currently $12.49 on Amazon). "Honey is based in floral nectars and propolis is based in plant and tree resins," Stein explains. "It's a bit more medicinal in nature."

While honey is the bees' food - their source of carbs, energy, and fuel - propolis is used in the hive as medicine. "The bees will take the propolis they make and line the walls of the hive with it to create a sterile environment," Stein says. Bees even make propolis "mats" at the hive entrance to help disinfect from the outside world. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties - so yeah, propolis is powerful stuff.

This little tidbit from Stein is what really drove the point home for me though: "Let's say a mouse or predator gets inside the hive. The bees can physically sting and kill it, but they can't physically pick up a mouse and carry it out of the hive because it's out of their weight class," she says. "What they'll do is mummify it in propolis - it's so powerful of an antiviral and antibacterial substance that it protects the entire hive from this decaying rodent in their living room." A little gross, sure, but fascinating too.

The coolest part is that propolis supposedly functions the same way for humans. "Propolis itself has more than 300 beneficial compounds. A lot of people will use it in the place of an antibiotic since it has very powerful germ-killing capabilities," Stein says. But where propolis sets itself apart from your usual go-to cure is in its purported prebiotic and enzymatic content; in other words, it could help nourish your gut (whereas traditional antibiotics can wreak havoc on the guy's microbiome) and be taken on an empty stomach without making you feel queasy - a major win.

In addition, "It's one of the highest naturally-occurring sources of antioxidants, so it helps combat oxidative stress in the body," Stein says. "It's a full-circle approach to health." Keep in mind though that propolis hasn't been thoroughly researched by scientists or the FDA.

She calls the Propolis Throat Spray - which is 95% pure propolis mixed with vegetable glycerin and purified water, and zero preservatives or fillers - the "Swiss army knife" of wellness. "You can use it to prevent any sort of illness or recover when you have a sore throat, cold, or the flu," she says. I haven't gotten sick once since incorporating this spray into my daily routine, and while I can't be sure it's the cause or that everyone might have the same experience as I did, it seems to be working well for me and I'm not about to stop taking it to see what happens.

Since customers have responded so well to the claims of immune-boosting propolis, Beekeeper's Naturals is constantly on the hunt for ways to take its mission even further. "We're looking at the different health problems that are plaguing modern society and areas where we don't have the best courses of action, and trying to build out something better," Stein says.

That drive is what led her to create BLXR Brain Fuel ($25.64) , my second-favorite product in the line. She started experimenting and found a bee-based blend that could help improve focus and mental clarity, and BLXR was born.

The main ingredient in BLXR is royal jelly, which is a substance created by bees specifically meant to feed the queen bees. Combined with bacopa monnieri plant extract and ginkgo biloba leaf extract, it could "help you concentrate, focus, optimize your workflow, and reduce all different sorts of illness that could affect your brain, one of your most vital organs," according to Stein. BLXR could also be a way to get off coffee while still giving yourself "a caffeine-free brain boost," Stein says. I'm always on a quest to cut down my coffee intake, and this is definitely helping.

Rounding out my brand-new, bee-powered medicine cabinet are the Raw Bee Pollen (I use it to top my morning smoothie for a sweet treat and natural energy boost) and the Superfood Cacao Honey ($20.49, and tastes like chocolate - except healthier). And, of course, I slather on the B Powered Superfood Honey as face mask once a week, because for me, skin care and wellness go hand in hand.

It's important to note that there haven't been many studies done on any of these ingredients to really report on their benefits. And to be clear, my experience with Beekeeper's Naturals won't necessarily "bee" yours (sorry, I couldn't help myself). It's important to check in with your doctor before making any major dietary changes or starting a new supplement regimen. After all, supplements are intended to do just that - supplement a well-rounded diet and wellness routine.

Shop Beekeeper's Naturals products on Amazon starting at $12

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