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Guideline released for pregnant women with Covid-19 infection


Guideline released for pregnant women with Covid-19 infection
Kolkata, Apr 13 () Pregnant women with suspected orconfirmed coronavirus infection should have their childbirthonly at secondary and territory level delivery points wherethey should be kept isolated from regular patients, WestBengal health department said on Monday.

All medical college hospitals were directed to haveseparate OT for such pregnant women, the health departmentsaid in a guideline.

"The standards and facilities required for infectioncontrol in these areas should be the same as that of otheradults with suspected and confirmed Covid 19 infection," itsaid.

Infants born to women with Covid-19 should be fedaccording to the standard infant feeding guidelines applyingnecessary precautions, it said.

While breastfeeding her child, such a mother need tomaintain respiratory hygiene by using a triple-layer mask, andhand hygiene before and after contacting the baby, said theguideline.

Auxiliary nurse midwifery (ANM) and Asha workersshould keep a tab on all pregnant women and especially high-risk pregnancies to ensure early detection of complicationsand follow-up. SCHNN NN

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