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Indian men earn 67% more than women, says Accenture survey

Indian men earn 67% more than women, says Accenture survey
Careers1 min read
A survey conducted by Accenture has come up with shocking revlations about the gender pay gap in India, citing that Indian men earn 67% more on average than their women counterparts. This disparity is much higher than the global average of 40% across industries.

The survey, titled 'Getting to Equal 2017', is based on the average pay gap between employed men and women across levels in 31 industries over a 12-month period. For the purpose of this survey, bonuses were excluded from consideration, and 28,000 women and men were surveyed in 29 countries.

Also read: Harvard economist says closing the US gender wage gap isn't as simple as 'equal pay for equal work'

"The gender pay gap is due to a combination of factors, one of the major reasons being cultural and social issues," Rekha Menon, chairman, Accenture India told ET. "Culturally, women are still meant to be prime care-givers at home. It is culturally acceptable for women to take breaks. Even otherwise, women don't negotiate for better pay and are more accepting of what they are offered."

If trends remain as are, the pay gap won't close until 2080 in developed markets, and 2168 in developing markets, said the survey.

Also read: The gender pay gap will not close until 2186

According to the research, cultural and social issues account for the maximum 62% share in the reasons behind the pay gap in India.

(Image source: Huffington Post)


