A fabric care expert of more than 40 years shares the right way to clean and remove stains from wool rugs

A fabric care expert of more than 40 years shares the right way to clean and remove stains from wool rugs
AndreyPopov / Getty Images

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  • Cleaning wool rugs is simple if you treat stains promptly and use the right types of cleaners.
  • With the products provided in our list below, you can clean and restore your wool rugs to their natural beauty.

Whether you have a plush natural sheepskin rug, a vintage, handwoven Persian carpet, or a new machine-woven wool rug, you have a rug that will keep its beauty for decades if it is cleaned correctly. I have a large wool kilim rug that I have used for years, and it never seems to go out-of-style. I like wool because it is durable, it naturally repels stains and dust mites, and it is warm underfoot.

You may shy away from wool because it is more expensive than man-made fibers and you think it is more difficult to maintain. (Think about all those wool sweaters you've had to hand-wash.) But with weekly vacuuming with a good vacuum that has a carpet beater bar (we recommend the Shark Navigator Lift-Away as the best budget option in our buying guide), prompt treatment of stains, and a yearly cleaning, your investment will provide years of service and become more beautiful with age.

Here's a tip if your rug has fringed edges: Keep the powerful beater bar vacuums away from the fringe. Use a handheld vacuum or the upholstery brush on a wand to clean the fringe.

Before you put your new wool rug on the floor, put down the very best rug pad you can afford. The pad will reduce friction on the fibers and help your rug last longer. It will also add a bit of cushioning and protect the floors underneath the rug. I love Rug Pad USA felt and rubber pads. They are waterproof, safe for all types of floors, and my rugs never slip.


How to remove stains from a wool rug

As a fabric care expert for more than 40 years, I can assure you that your life will be easier if when food or drink spills happen, you treat them as soon as possible. Always blot away liquids and lift away any solids — no rubbing! Rubbing only pushes the stain deeper into the fibers. The one exception to prompt treatment is muddy footprints. It is often better to allow the mud to dry and then vacuum it away, and then treat any residual stains.

Never pour a carpet stain remover directly onto the carpet; some can cause wool dyes to bleed. Unless the stain remover states that it is safe for wool, proceed with caution. Never use a harsh cleaner like chlorine bleach or ammonia on wool that can damage the fibers.

Instead, keep a wool wash like Outback Gold Wool Wash and Conditioner on hand. Apply a dab of the product to a damp sponge or cloth. Work from the outside of the stain toward the center to gently lift the stain. Keep moving to a clean area of the sponge as the stain is transferred. Finish by wiping down the stained area with a sponge dipped in clean water to remove any soapy residue.

Steps for cleaning a wool rug

When your rug begins to look a little dull, it's time for a thorough cleaning — usually once per year depending on the level of foot traffic.

  1. Start by getting rid of as much loose dirt and dust as possible. If the rug is small enough, take it outside and hang it over a sturdy railing, chair, or clothesline and use a broom or old tennis racket to beat out dust. Don't forget to give the rug pad the same treatment. If the rug is too large to hang, vacuum it well, turn it over and then vacuum the back. Vacuum the pad, then remove it and vacuum the floor or carpet underneath.
  2. If you are working inside, to protect your flooring while you clean the rug, place a clean plastic tarp or plastic sheeting under the rug.
  3. In a large bucket like the ones from Rubbermaid, add one teaspoon of wool wash per gallon of cold water. I use Outback Gold Wool Wash and Conditioner with lanolin and natural oils because it leaves the fibers soft and pliable but is great at removing stains. Fill a second bucket with plain cool water for rinsing.
  4. I prefer to start at one end of the rug and work in square grids of about two or three feet so I don't miss an area. Simply dip a good scrubbing sponge (I use O-Cedar Scrunge Scrubbing Sponges) into the wool wash and water solution, wring slightly, and sponge it onto the rug. Use gentle pressure and lightly scrub any heavily soiled areas. Try not to over-saturate the rug, because a sopping-wet rug takes forever to dry. Rinse out the sponge often. You'll be amazed at how quickly the water turns brown!
  5. When you have finished cleaning a section, dip a clean sponge in fresh water and wipe away any residue left in the carpet.
  6. Use old towels or microfiber cloths to blot away excess moisture in the freshly cleaned area and repeat the steps until the entire rug has been cleaned.
  7. The rug will need to air-dry before you place it back on the rug pad. To speed the drying time, I add a fan to the room and elevate the rug with plastic bowls and buckets so air can circulate.