Price of ice: World’s most expensive ice cream created by Japanese brand

May 20, 2023

By: Ananya Tawakley

Credit: Cellato

Byakuya, a Japanese creation

Tokyo based business Cellato created Byakuya, a gelato ice-cream which has earned the title of the most expensive ice cream in the world. Here are some things to know about this ice cream that truly costs an arm and a leg and a few digits more.

Credit: Cellato

How expensive is this ice cream?

This ice cream Byayuka is sold at a fixed rate of $6,696, which is approximately ₹5.58 lakh.

Credit: Cellato

What’s the secret ingredient?

It’s not love. This ice cream comes with premium ingredients like edible gold leaves, white truffle, gingo incense, Parmigiano Reggiano – a type of natural cheese, and sake lees which is a Japanese table sauce.

Credit: Cellato

The white diamond

The rare white truffle used in the ice cream is called “white diamonds” or Italy's "Phantom White Truffle”. It costs $15,192 (₹11.9 lakh) per kilogram and is grown only in Alba, Italy.

Credit: Cellato

Breaking world records

Fulfilling the goal of the makers, this ice cream has earned the Guinness World Records title for the most expensive ice cream on May 18, 2023.

Credit: Cellato

A lavish experience

The ice cream is served along with a metal spoon handcrafted by Kazarikanagu Takeuchi, a metalwork company . The techniques and materials used in the temples of Fushimi, Kyoto are used in the making of the spoon.

Credit: Cellato

A sensual unique scent

As explained on the Cellato website “A rich and mellow gelato with two types of cheese as a base and white truffle with a sensual and unique scent. To finish, white truffles and parmigiano cheese that look like snow are luxuriously placed and decorated with gold leaf.”

Credit: Cellato

Not an easy feat

A representative of Cellato told Guinness World Records, “It took us over 1.5 years to develop, with a lot of trials and errors to get the taste right. Achieving a Guinness World Records title made the effort all worth it.”

Credit: Cellato

Suggested pairings

Although one doesn’t think about needing anything else with this extravagant ice cream, the Cellato website recommends white wine or hard liquor like rum or grappa to complement the sake in the ice cream.

Credit: Cellato

No stopping yet

Cellato is planning to release products with other premium combinations like Champagne and Caviar.

Credit: Cellato

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