Heard of Apple diet? 5 crazy diets people went gaga over in 2016


Gluten free diet

Gluten free diet
Gluten is a protein found in grains of wheat, rye and barley. So, say ‘no’ to staple grains of wheat, rye, barley and its products. People on gluten free diet resort to grains like millets, brown rice, sorghum, amaranth, quinoa and legumes. “Gluten free diets do work in reducing weight. Once wheat grains are out, you will reduce your consumption of bakery items, which means less fat especially the harmful trans-fat and less salt,” said Ritu.

Apple diet

Apple diet
This was for the extreme dieters. All one has to do is hog onto as many apples as they want during the diet period so there’s no fear of getting hungry. “Apple diet doesn’t fit into the healthy weight loss category for sure. It misses out on protein which will cause muscle loss in the body,” said Ritu.

Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic Diet
This diet is for those who need weight loss in a short time without sacrificing yummy fat rich foods. It’s a low carb moderate protein high fat diet making your body into a fat burning machine. It puts your body in a state of ketosis by providing low levels of the body’s fuel ‘glucose.’

Green coffee diet

Green coffee diet
Green coffee is unroasted coffee beans with higher levels of antioxidantchlorogenic acid which indirectly helps in weight loss.
“Though green coffee is high in anti-oxidants, there are no researches currently to support it’s role in weight loss. So, wait up till its thoroughly researched,” said Ritu.

Matcha Tea

Matcha Tea
Go Matcha! Sounds familiar? The fitness industry calls it a ‘torch’ for body fat. It’s a powdered green tea providing mega dose of antioxidants.