Jason Merritt/Getty
Michael Moore.
The Oscar winner (and staunch Democrat) has been mostly quiet throughout the months of constant presidential debates and polling, outside of the occasional tweet, but while in DC to screen his movie this week, he and others from the audience walked to the front of the Republican National Committee headquarters to sing Donald Trump-themed Christmas carols.
Just sang Christmas Carols outside the National Republican Center in D.C. All Donald Trump themed songs of course. pic.twitter.com/FjFJDCgH1W
- Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 9, 2015
On Wednesday, Moore stood in front of the Trump Tower in Manhattan with a sign that read "We Are All Muslim" until the cops asked him to leave:
Went to Trump Tower & held a sign til the cops came. Then wrote Trump a letter. Here it is: https://t.co/aszRoizZuZ pic.twitter.com/qMy3ZuHOhy
- Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 17, 2015
In part, it read:
Dear Donald Trump:
You may remember (you do, after all, have a "perfect memory!"), that we met back in November of 1998 in the green room of a talk show where we were both scheduled to appear one afternoon. But just before going on, I was pulled aside by a producer from the show who said that you were "nervous" about being on the set with me. She said you didn't want to be "ripped apart" and you wanted to be reassured I wouldn't "go after you."
"Does he think I'm going to tackle him and put him in a choke hold?" I asked, bewildered.
"No," the producer replied, "he just seems all jittery about you."
"Huh. I've never met the guy. There's no reason for him to be scared," I said. "I really don't know much about him other than he seems to like his name on stuff. I'll talk to him if you want me to."
And so, as you may remember, I did. I went up and introduced myself to you. "The producer says you're worried I might say or do something to you during the show. Hey, no offense, but I barely know who you are. I'm from Michigan. Please don't worry - we're gonna get along just fine!"
You seemed relieved, then leaned in and said to me, "I just didn't want any trouble out there and I just wanted to make sure that, you know, you and I got along. That you weren't going to pick on me for something ridiculous."
"Pick on" you? I thought, where are we, in 3rd grade? I was struck by how you, a self-described tough guy from Queens, seemed like such a fraidey-cat.
Moore went on to assert that like "other angry white guys," Trump is frightened by a bogeyman, and for the presidential hopeful that comes in the form of "all Muslims."
"I was raised to believe that we are all each other's brother and sister, regardless of race, creed, or color," Moore wrote. "That means if you want to ban Muslims, you are first going to have to ban me. And everyone else. We are all Muslim."
Moore ends his letter by asking his readers to sign a statement he's provided, which states in part that "if you want to ban Muslims, you are first going to have to ban me." He also asks people to post a photo holding a sign with the hashtag #WeAreAllMuslim on social media.
Moore says he will post the photos on his site and send them to Trump.
Business Insider has reached out to Trump for comment.
"Where to Invade Next" has an Oscar-qualifying theatrical run in New York and LA next week, and then opens wider in theaters in February.